SCHEDULE 4Mandatory conditions attaching to family entertainment centre premises licences

Regulation 9


No customer shall be able to access the premises directly from any other premises in respect of which one of the following premises licences has effect–


a casino premises licence;


an adult gaming centre premises licence;


a betting premises licence (other than a track premises licence).


Any ATM made available for use on the premises shall be located in a place that requires any customer who wishes to use it to cease gambling at any gaming machine in order to do so.



Where Category C gaming machines are made available for use on the premises, any area of the premises in which those machines are located–


shall be separated from the rest of the premises by a physical barrier which is effective to prevent access otherwise than by an entrance designed for the purpose;


shall be supervised at all times to ensure that children or young persons or both do not enter the area; and


shall be arranged in such a way as to permit all parts of the area to be observed.


The reference to supervision in sub-paragraph (1) means supervised by–


one or more persons whose responsibilities include ensuring children or young persons or both do not enter the area; or


closed circuit television which is monitored by one or more persons whose responsibilities include ensuring that children or young persons or both do not enter the area.


A notice stating that no person under the age of 18 years is permitted to access the area shall be displayed in a prominent place at the entrance to any area of the premises in which Category C gaming machines are made available for use.



No alcohol shall be sold, or permitted to be consumed, at any time during which facilities for gambling are being provided on the premises.


A notice stating the condition in sub-paragraph (1) shall be displayed in a prominent place at every entrance to the premises.