SCHEDULE 8Movement of bovine animals for semen collection

PART 1Bovine animals that may move to an EC or domestic collection centre or to unlicensed premises

The bovine animals have–


completed 28 days' quarantine in–


an EC quarantine centre; or


a quarantine centre approved in accordance with paragraph 1(a) of Chapter 1 of Annex B to the Directive by the competent authority of another member State or part of the United Kingdom,

where only other cloven hoofed animals having at least the same health status were present; or


undergone the tests referred to in Part 2 of Schedule 3 during the previous 12 months and have been kept in–


another EC collection centre; or


a semen collection centre authorised under the Directive in accordance with paragraph 5 of Chapter 1 of Annex B to the Directive, in the case of movement of a bovine animal kept in a semen collection centre authorised under the Directive in another member State or part of the United Kingdom.