(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order amends the Small Claims (Scotland) Order 1988 (S.I.1988/1999) (“the 1988 Order”). Under the 1988 Order, small claims cannot exceed £750 in amount (exclusive of interest and expenses). The Order raises the limit of £750 to £3000. Actions for personal injury are excluded from the category of actions which must be brought as a small claim. The Order also amends the amount of expenses which the sheriff may award in a small claim where the value of the claim exceeds £200. The sheriff may now, where the value of the claim is £1500 or less, award expenses up to £150. Where the value of the claim is greater than £1500, the sheriff may award expenses up to 10% of the value of the claim (article 2).

The Order does not affect any small claim which was commenced prior to 14th January 2008 (article 3).