1.—(1) Every bathing water profile must–
(a)contain a description of the physical, geographical and hydrological characteristics of–
(i)the bathing water; and
(ii)any other surface water in the catchment area of the bathing water where the surface water could be a source of pollution for the bathing water;
(b)identify and assess the causes of pollution that might affect bathing water quality and pose a risk to bathers' health;
(c)assess the potential for cyanobacterial proliferation;
(d)assess the potential for the proliferation of macro-algae or phytoplankton;
(e)identify the location of the monitoring point;
(f)contain (if the assessment under head (b) indicates that there is a risk of short-term pollution)–
(i)information as to the anticipated nature, frequency and duration of short-term pollution;
(ii)details of the expected causes of short-term pollution;
(iii)details of the management measures taken and the time schedule for the elimination of the causes;
(iv)details of the management measures taken during a short-term pollution incident; and
(v)the identity and contact details of any person responsible for taking the management measures during the incident.
(2) The information in sub-paragraph (1)(a) and (b) must be detailed on a map whenever practicable.