General LEADER grant requirements

14.  A project may be considered for LEADER grant under these Regulations if the following conditions A to I are met and for revenue-generating projects, condition J is also met:–

(a)Condition A is met if it is considered by the local action group that the project is sustainable over the period of the Scotland rural development programme;

(b)Condition B is met if the project is located within a local action group area;

(c)Condition C is met if the project is considered by a local action group to be of significance and value in implementing the local development strategy;

(d)Condition D is met if the project is considered by a local action group to provide an exemplar of an innovative initiative for a local action group area;

(e)Condition E is met if it is considered by a local action group that the project involves or engages the population across the local action group area;

(f)Condition F is met if it is considered by a local action group that it will make a positive or at least neutral contribution to ecological, economic, cultural and social sustainability in the local action group area;

(g)Condition G is met if the project is clearly related to one of the strategic priorities identified in the local development strategy of the local action group;

(h)Condition H is met if it is considered by a local action group that the project will contribute to the implementation of the local action group’s local development strategy;

(i)Condition I is met if the project receives the support of the local action group selection panel;

(j)Condition J is met if an eligible body demonstrates the profitability of a project.