4.—(1) The arrangements for monitoring compliance with a movement restriction condition imposed upon a child within a supervision requirement shall include the preparation by the relevant local authority of a child’s plan, as provided for in paragraphs (2) to (4), which plan shall be agreed, so far as is reasonably practicable, between the relevant local authority, the child, and any relevant person.
(2) A child’s plan shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, address the immediate and longer term needs of the child with a view to safeguarding and promoting the child’s welfare, and shall be recorded in writing, as also shall be any matters relating to that plan or its review.
(3) The matters which are to be set out by the relevant local authority within a child’s plan shall include details of the services which are to be provided relative to a supervision requirement with a movement restriction condition, to meet the care, education and health needs of the child and, in particular–
(a)the provision of, or means of accessing, alternative accommodation to that specified in accordance with regulation 7(a), together with particulars of those persons who are to be notified, and by whom, when such accommodation is provided or accessed;
(b)the provision of a crisis response service, being a service to be provided by or on behalf of the relevant local authority, by way of immediate support for the child under reference to the child’s plan, which service shall include a telephone contact facility, accessible on a 24 hours per day basis, for every day of the year, both by the child, by any person designated in accordance with regulation 5(1), and by any other person identified in the plan as requiring such access; and
(c)the arrangements which are to be made for evaluating the child’s participation, progress and co operation in relation to the child’s plan, and the provision which is to be made for regular written reports.
(4) The relevant local authority shall also set out, within the child’s plan, the arrangements for review of the plan by the authority, including in particular the date or dates when the plan is to be reviewed, subject always to such review taking place within 3 months of the plan being completed, or within 3 months of the children’s hearing imposing, within a supervision requirement, a movement restriction condition, whichever date is the later.
(5) The relevant local authority shall provide the Principal Reporter with a copy of the child’s plan upon its completion, together with any revised version thereof which may from time to time be prepared by the authority, and a brief report setting out the circumstances of, and the reasons for, such revisal.