2.  In this Schedule—

(a) is equal to where—

(i)A is the total amount of electricity generated by the generating station during the obligation period; and

(ii)F is the energy content of all of the fuels used in generating that electricity during the obligation period;

(b) is equal to where—

(i)F has the same meaning as in sub-paragraph (a)(ii); and

(ii)H is the energy content of all of the heat supplied to any premises by the generating station during the obligation period;

(c) is equal to—

(i)where T is less than 423 kelvin, 0.3546;

(ii)in any other case, ;

(d)E is the greenhouse gas emissions from the production of the biomass and is to be calculated in accordance with Part C of Annex V to the Renewables Directive but as if the following modifications were made to Part C of that Annex—

(i)in paragraph 1—

(aa)for “and use of transport fuels, biofuels and bioliquids” there was substituted “of biomass”;

(bb)for “E = total emissions from the use of the fuel” there was substituted “E = greenhouse gas emissions from the production of the biomass”;

(cc)for “ = emissions from the fuel in use” there was substituted “ = zero”;

(ii)in paragraph 2, for the references to “fuels” and “fuel” there was substituted in each case “biomass”;

(iii)paragraphs 3 and 4 were omitted;

(iv)in paragraph 7—

(aa)for each reference to “biofuel” there was substituted “biomass”;

(bb)the words “or bioliquid” were omitted in each place in which those words occur;

(v)in paragraph 11, for “fuel” there was substituted “biomass”;

(vi)paragraph 13 was omitted;

(vii)in paragraph 14, for “fuel” there was substituted “biomass”;

(viii)for paragraph 16 there was substituted—

16.  Emission saving from excess electricity from cogeneration shall be taken to be zero.;

(ix)in paragraph 17, for each reference to “fuel” there was substituted “biomass”;

(x)in paragraph 18—

(aa)for “fuel” there was substituted “biomass”;

(bb)the words “biofuels and bioliquids” were omitted;

(cc)for “fuels” there was substituted “biomass”; and

(xi)paragraph 19 was omitted; and

(e)T is the maximum temperature in degrees kelvin of heat or steam which is (or may be) supplied by the generating station to any premises.]