The Port Babcock Rosyth Harbour Empowerment Order 2009

Special directions to vessels

24.—(1) The harbour master may give a direction under this article–

(a)requiring any person or vessel anywhere within the port or the approaches thereto to comply with a requirement made in or under a general direction;

(b)regulating or requiring the movement, berthing, mooring or unmooring of a vessel;

(c)regulating the loading, discharging, storing and safeguarding of a vessel’s cargo, fuel, water or stores and the dispatch of business at port premises;

(d)specifying the precautions to be taken in respect of apparatus, machinery and equipment;

(e)as to the use of the motive power of the vessel anywhere within the port or the approaches thereto;

(f)prohibiting or restricting use of fires or lights;

(g)as to the use of ballast;

(h)requiring the removal from any part of the port of a vessel if–

(i)it is on fire;

(ii)it is in such condition as to be liable to become immobilised or waterlogged, or to sink, or to constitute a danger to life (including wildlife) or property;

(iii)it is making an unlawful use of the port or interfering with the reasonable use or enjoyment thereof by other vessels or persons; or

(iv)its removal is necessary to enable maintenance or repair work to be carried out at port premises or to premises adjacent thereto; and

(i)requiring the removal outside the port of any vessel if such removal is considered by the harbour master to be necessary in order to avoid danger to life (including wildlife) or to property.

(2) The harbour master may give special directions applicable to all vessels or to a particular class of vessels for any of the purposes mentioned in paragraph (1) above.

(3) A special direction may be given in any manner considered by the harbour master to be appropriate.

(4) The harbour master may revoke or amend a special direction.