SCHEDULE 3Control and eradication of TSE in bovine animals

Amount of compensation payable



The compensation is the average price paid in Great Britain for that age and category of animal—


for a pedigree animal, in the previous 6 months before the date of its valuation; and


for any other bovine animal, in the previous month before the date of its valuation.


A pedigree animal is one for which a pedigree certificate has been issued by a breeders' organisation or association that fulfils the conditions of Commission Decision 84/247/EEC laying down the criteria for the recognition of breeders' organisations and associations which maintain or establish herd-books for pure-bred breeding animals of the bovine species M1.


The Scottish Ministers must categorise animals as follows, and for the purposes of determining which category the animal falls into, the age of the animal is the age, as shown by its cattle passport, at the date on which the notice of intention to kill was served—




Beef Sector – non-pedigree animal

Up to and including 3 months

Up to and including 3 months

Over 3 months up to and including 6 months

Over 3 months up to and including 6 months

Over 6 months up to and including 9 months

Over 6 months up to and including 9 months

Over 9 months up to and including 12 months

Over 9 months up to and including 12 months

Over 12 months up to and including 16 months

Over 12 months up to and including 16 months

Over 16 months up to and including 20 months

Over 16 months up to and including 20 months

Over 20 months—

Over 20 months—

Breeding bulls



Not calved

Dairy Sector – non-pedigree animal

Up to and including 3 months

Up to and including 3 months

Over 3 months up to and including 6 months

Over 3 months up to and including 6 months

Over 6 months up to and including 12 months

Over 6 months up to and including 12 months

Over 12 months up to and including 16 months

Over 12 months up to and including 16 months

Over 16 months up to and including 20 months

Over 16 months up to and including 20 months

Over 20 months

Over 20 months–


Not calved

Beef Sector – pedigree animal

6 months up to and including 12 months

6 months up to and including 12 months

Over 12 months up to and including 24 months

Over 12 months up to and including 24 months

Over 24 months

Over 24 months (not calved)

Calved under 36 months

Calved 36 months and over

Dairy Sector – pedigree animal

Up to and including 2 months

Up to and including 2 months

Over 2 months up to and including 12 months

Over 2 months up to and including 10 months

Over 12 months up to and including 24 months

Over 10 months up to and including 18 months

Over 24 months

Over 18 months (not calved)

Calved under 36 months

Calved 36 months and over.