Article 2
In this Schedule—
“the plan” means the plan numbered RYC/G109/13/0712 and entitled “The A96 (Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route) Trunk Road Order 2010”, signed with reference to this Order and deposited at the offices of Transport Scotland, Buchanan House, 58 Port Dundas Road, Glasgow, G4 0HF; and
“point 1” means the point located at the south-west corner of the existing building known as Chapel Works, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, AB21 9TL shown marked “point 1” on the plan.
1. From a point 960 metres or thereby east, south-east of point 1 in a clockwise direction for a distance of 475 metres or thereby returning to the same point 960 metres or thereby east, south-east of point 1 forming the circulatory carriageway of the roundabout as shown by a heavy black line between points marked “point A”, “point B”, “point E”, “point F”, “point H” and returning to the same “point A” on the plan.
2. From a point 940 metres or thereby east, south-east of point 1 in a generally west, south-westerly direction for a distance of 530 metres or thereby to a point 630 metres or thereby south-east of point 1 as shown by a heavy black line between points marked “point B” and “point C” on the plan.
3. From a point 790 metres or thereby east, south-east of point 1 in a generally north-easterly then northerly direction for a distance of 170 metres or thereby to a point 815 metres or thereby east, south-east of point 1 as shown by a heavy black line between points marked “point D” and “point E” on the plan.
4. From a point 785 metres or thereby east, south-east of point 1 in a generally north-westerly then west, north-westerly direction for a distance of 115 metres or thereby to a point 680 metres or thereby east, south-east of point 1 as shown by a heavy black line between points marked “point F” and “point G” on the plan.
5. From a point 680 metres or thereby east, south-east of point 1 in a generally east, south-easterly direction for a distance of 115 metres or thereby to a point 790 metres or thereby east, south-east of point 1 as shown by a heavy black line between points marked “point G” and “point H” on the plan.