Registration (Learning Account Holders)4


An application for registration as a Learning Account Holder must be made in such form and in such manner as the Scottish Ministers may, from time to time, determine and different forms of application may be determined for renewal of applications.


An application for registration as a Learning Account Holder for the purposes of entering ILA Scotland must not be submitted prior to the date determined by the Scottish Ministers.


An application for registration as a Learning Account Holder must be made in respect of the period from the date of registration for one Account Holder’s Year only, but upon expiry of the Account Holder’s Year, a further application for such registration may be made for the following Account Holder’s Year, and so on for successive Account Holder’s Years.


The Scottish Ministers may require an applicant for registration as a Learning Account Holder to provide such information or documents as the Scottish Ministers may require, in order for the Scottish Ministers to determine whether the person is eligible to become a Learning Account Holder, and may decline to accept an application for registration unless such information or documents are provided.


A registered Learning Account Holder may, from time to time, be required to provide to a Learning Account Administrator such information, details and documents as may be required for the purpose of assessing the quality and effectiveness of the Approved Learning in respect of which a grant has been paid.


The Scottish Ministers may at any time cancel the registration of a Learning Account Holder if—


it appears to the Scottish Ministers that the person does not satisfy the conditions specified in regulation 3(2) to (4) and (6);


it appears to the Scottish Ministers that any information provided under paragraphs (1) to (5) by or on behalf of the Learning Account Holder was false, or if the Learning Account Holder has failed to provide any other information or documents which were requested by the Learning Account Administrator under paragraph (5); or


the Learning Account Holder has been convicted of an offence involving dishonesty or fraud in relation to ILA Scotland.


A Learning Account Holder may at any time withdraw the Learning Account Holder’s registration with the Scottish Ministers by notifying the Scottish Ministers in a form to be determined by the Scottish Ministers.


Where registration is cancelled or withdrawn, the Scottish Ministers must close the relevant Learning Account and shall advise the Learning Account Administrator of that fact.


While a person is a party to Qualifying Arrangements, that person may not become a party to other Qualifying Arrangements and any subsequent registration with the Scottish Ministers is of no effect.


A Learning Account Holder must as soon as reasonably practicable notify the Scottish Ministers of any change of circumstances which may affect his or her status as a Qualifying Person.