Approval of a variation38.


The DAS Administrator must approve a variation proposed under regulation 37(1)(a), (b) or (c).


The DAS Administrator must approve a variation proposed under regulation 37(1)(d) to (h) if the variation is fair and reasonable.


The DAS Administrator in determining whether a variation is fair and reasonable—


must have regard to—


the matters specified in regulation 25(2);


the views of the debtor;


the views of the other debtor in the case of a joint debt payment programme;


the views of a creditor taking part in the programme and of any creditor making the application; and


the views of any money adviser who has provided advice to the debtor;


whether any expenditure of the debtor declared in assessing disposable income appears to be necessarily incurred by the debtor; and


any variation previously approved under regulation 37(1)(h); and


may have regard to any other factor the DAS Administrator considers appropriate.


Approval of a variation may be made subject to a condition under regulation 28.