General functions
6. The GTCS’s general functions are—
(a)to keep the register;
(b)to establish (and to review and change as necessary)—
(i)the standards of education and training appropriate to school teachers;
(ii)the standards of conduct and professional competence expected of a registered teacher;
(c)to investigate the fitness to teach of individuals who are, or who are seeking to be, registered;
(d)to keep itself informed of the education and training of individuals undertaking courses for the education and training of teachers;
(e)to consider, and to make recommendations to the Scottish Ministers about, matters relating to—
(i)teachers’ education, training, career development and fitness to teach; and
(ii)the supply of teachers (except matters of remuneration or conditions of service); and
(f)to keep such other registers of other individuals working in educational settings as it thinks fit.