The Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Commencement No. 3) Order 2012

Article 2

SCHEDULEProvisions of Part 19 of the Act coming into force

Column 1

Provision of the Act

Column 2

Appointed day

Column 3

Provision of the the Act

Column 4

Purpose for which provision of the the Act comes into force

Section 191 (Legal aid and advice)31st January 2012Section 28B(2) (Children’s legal aid)For all purposes
Section 191 (Legal aid and advice)31st January 2012

Section 28M(7)

(Register of solicitors and firms eligible to provide children’s legal assistance)

Only in respect of applying section 25A(5) and (6) of the the Act for the purposes of enabling the Scottish Legal Aid Board to determine the form of the application for entry on the register of solicitors and firms eligible to provide children’s legal assistance under section 28M of the the Act, to specify the documents which are to accompany the application and to invite and consider comments on its draft proposals.
Section 191 (Legal aid and advice)31st January 2012

Section 28N

(Code of Practice)

For all purposes
Section 191 (Legal aid and advice)26th March 2012Section 28M(1), (2), (7) and (8) (Register of solicitors and firms eligible to provide children’s legal assistance)For all purposes
Section 191 (Legal aid and advice)26th March 2012

Section 28S

(Publication of register etc.)

For all purposes