PART 1Particulars applicable to all services
The name and address of the operator of the service.
The number of the operator’s public service vehicle operator’s licence or community bus permit (save where, by virtue of any enactment, the operator is not required to hold such a licence or permit).
The date on which the service is to start.
The service number or, if it has no number, the name by which it is to be known.
The times during the year when the service will be provided.
PART 2Further particulars applicable to standard services
The principal starting and finishing points of the service.
A statement of whether the service consists of excursions or tours.
If the service does not consist of excursions or tours—
a description of the route, including details of alternative sections of route where it may be modified for the purpose of particular journeys, which is sufficient to identify the roads to be traversed, together with a map of a scale not smaller than 1:50,000 showing those roads;
a timetable for the service indicating the proposed times (on the days when the service is to run) of individual services at principal points on the route, save where the service interval is 10 minutes or less when a statement of that fact may be given; and
an indication of the stopping places where the vehicles used on the service will stand for longer than the time required to pick up or set down passengers.
If the service does consist of excursions or tours—
an outline of the route indicating the points, other than the starting point, where passengers will be taken up; and
the maximum number of vehicle departures to be made on any one day.
Details of stopping arrangements, including (in appropriate cases)—
details of whether all the marked or generally recognised stopping places on the route will be used habitually and, if not, what the stopping arrangements at those places will be; and
details of any sections of the route where passengers will be taken up and set down upon signalling their wishes to the driver of the vehicle.
A description of any reversing and other manoeuvres which will result in a vehicle returning along part of its route.
PART 3Further particulars applicable to flexible services
A description of the area of operation of the service, accompanied by a map of a scale not smaller than 1:50,000 showing the sections of flexible operation and fixed sections of route (if any).
Details of any fixed stopping places and the stopping arrangements at those places (including whether all the specified fixed stopping places will be in use at all operating times and, if not, what the stopping arrangements will be at those places).
An indication of any fixed stopping places where the vehicles used on the service may or will stand for longer than the time required to pick up or set down passengers.
The terms on which, and the methods by which, journeys may be booked, including—
the times when a booking for a particular journey may be made;
the means of identifying where a passenger may be taken up or set down otherwise than at fixed stopping places; and
whether the travel demands of every prospective passenger will be met and, if not, what arrangements (if any) will be made where a person’s demands cannot be met.
Subject to paragraph 6, the timing of the service, including—
in the case of a service having fixed stopping places on its route, a timetable indicating the proposed times (on the days when the service is to run) of individual services at those stopping places; and
in every case, the means of determining the time at which a passenger may be taken up or set down in the sections of flexible operation.
Where it is impracticable to specify an exact time of arrival at, or departure from, a fixed stopping place or other point within the area of operation, a time window (that is to say a period of time during which a vehicle is intended to arrive/depart) may be specified instead, the time window to be of an appropriate length but not longer than 20 minutes unless the traffic commissioner is satisfied in an exceptional case that it is reasonable for a longer period to be allowed.”