The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2013

This section has no associated Policy Notes

1.  SEPA—S

(1) where the development is likely to result in a material increase in the number of buildings at risk of being damaged by flooding; or

(2) where the development consists of or includes—

(a)fish farming;

(b)mining operations;

(c)the carrying out of building or other operations or use of land for the purposes of providing or storing mineral oils and their derivatives;

(d)the carrying out of building or other operations (other than the laying of sewers, the construction of pump‑houses in a line of sewers, the construction of septic tanks and cesspools serving single dwellinghouses, single caravans or single buildings in which not more than 10 people will normally reside, work or congregate, and works ancillary thereto) or use of land for the retention, treatment or disposal of sewage, trade‑waste, or effluent;

(e)the carrying out of works or operations in the bed or on the banks of a river or stream;

(f)the use of land as a cemetery; or

(g)the use of land for the deposit of any kind of refuse or waste, including slurry or sludge.