The National Health Service Superannuation Scheme (2008 Section) (Scotland) Regulations 2013

Transfers-in: transitional provisionS
This section has no associated Policy Notes

3.K.11.—(1) This regulation applies to a 2008 Section Optant who—

(a)commenced a period of pensionable service as a practitioner member in the 1995 Section on, or after, 1st April 2008; and

(b)within one year of the commencement of that service makes an application to transfer accrued rights to benefits to the 1995 Section under regulation N1 (member's right to transfer accrued rights to benefits to this Section of the scheme) of the 2011 Regulations.

(2) If—

(a)the Scottish Ministers accept the transfer payment in respect of the application referred to in paragraph (1) in accordance with regulation N1(5) of the 2011 Regulations; and

(b)that payment is received by the Scottish Ministers before the day on which the person's option to join this Section of the scheme is received,

the increase to pensionable earnings that the Optant is entitled to count in respect of that transfer payment for the purposes of calculating benefits payable to or in respect of the Optant under this Section of the scheme is to be calculated as described in paragraph (4) and the period of pensionable service that Optant is entitled to count is to be calculated as described in paragraph (5).

(3) If the transfer payment in respect of an application referred to in paragraph (1) is received by the Scottish Ministers on, or after, the day on which the person's option to join this Section of the scheme is received—

(a)the Scottish Ministers may accept that payment under this Section of the scheme—

(i)without requiring the Optant to make an application under regulation 3.F.8 (right to apply for acceptance of transfer value payment from another scheme); and

(ii)subject to such other conditions as the Scottish Ministers may require; and

(b)if the Scottish Ministers accept the payment, the increase to pensionable earnings that the Optant is entitled to count in respect of that payment for the purposes of calculating benefits payable to or in respect of that Optant under this Section of the scheme is to be calculated as described in paragraph (4) and the period of pensionable service that Optant is entitled to count is to be calculated as described in paragraph (5).

(4) Subject to paragraph (6), the increase to pensionable earnings that the Optant is entitled to count for the purposes of calculating benefits payable to, or in respect of, the Optant under this Section of the scheme—

(a)is to be calculated in accordance with regulation 3.F.11 (calculation of increase to pensionable earnings as the result of a transfer-in);

(b)the financial year in which the member joined this Section of the scheme for the purposes of regulation 3.F.11(2)(a) is the financial year in which the Optant's pensionable service referred to in paragraph (1) commenced;

(c)the starting day for the purpose of regulations 3.F.11(2)(b) and 3.F.11(4) is the day that the member's pensionable service referred to in paragraph (1) commenced.

(5) The period of pensionable service that the Optant is entitled to count for the purpose of determining whether or not the member has reached 45 years of pensionable service for the purposes of regulation 3.A.3 (meaning of “pensionable service”) is the relevant period calculated in accordance with regulation 3.F.10 (acceptance of transfer value payments).

(6) If the transfer value payment is accepted by the Scottish Ministers under the public sector transfer arrangements—

(a)regulation 3.F.12 (meaning of capped increase to pensionable earnings) applies to the Optant in respect of the increase to pensionable earnings that the Optant is entitled to count under this regulation; and

(b)the reference in regulation 3.F.12(2) to the increase to pensionable earnings that the member is entitled to count under regulation 3.F.10(2)(a) must be read as a reference to the increase to pensionable earnings the Optant is entitled to count under paragraph (4).