PART 5Attendance at Hearings

Further provision in relation to the attendance of the child and relevant person at a children's hearing or pre-hearing panel19


Paragraph (2) applies where the Reporter has been advised that the child, or relevant person, or an individual who wants to be deemed to be a relevant person, wishes to attend a pre-hearing panel or children's hearing or part of a children's hearing and—


the child or the relevant person, as the case may be, has been excused from attending that pre-hearing panel, children's hearing or that part of the children's hearing; or


the child, relevant person or individual in question wishes to attend a pre-hearing panel or children's hearing which by virtue of section 80 (determination of matter referred under section 79) of the Act is to determine a matter referred under section 79 (referral of certain matters for pre-hearing determination) of the Act.


The Scottish Children's Reporter Administration must take all reasonable steps to enable the child, relevant person, or the individual in question, as the case may be, to attend the pre-hearing panel, children's hearing or that part of the children's hearing by way of telephone, through video link or by using any other method of communication, if requested to do so by the child, relevant person or individual in question, and if the Reporter is satisfied that the child, relevant person or individual in question has good reason for not attending in person.

Attendance at a children's hearing20


The persons mentioned in paragraph (2) are authorised to attend a pre-hearing panel and children's hearing.


Those persons are a constable, prison officer or other person who has in their lawful custody a person who has to attend a pre-hearing panel or children's hearing.