(This note is not part of the Order)

Section 91(2) of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007 (“the 2007 Act”) defines regulated work with children as work of the type described in schedule 2 to the 2007 Act. This Order modifies schedule 2 to the 2007 Act mainly in consequence of the Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (“the 2011 Act”).

Article 3 of this Order substitutes paragraph 20 of schedule 2 to the 2007 Act. This modification provides that members of the national Children’s Panel (which replaces the 32 local children’s panels) will be listed in schedule 2 and so will be in regulated work with children under the 2007 Act. The 2011 Act abolishes Children’s Panel Advisory Committees and article 3 also removes members of those committees, and members of joint advisory committees and sub committees, from schedule 2. Article 3 also inserts the various personnel working within the children’s hearings system, under the 2011 Act, into paragraph 20 of schedule 2. These personnel are: members of Children’s Hearings Scotland (“CHS”); members of staff of CHS; members of area support teams; members of the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (“SCRA”); members of staff of SCRA; and members of the Safeguarders Panel. Article 4 provides that the National Convener of CHS and the Principal Reporter will also be added to schedule 2 of the 2007 Act and so will also be in regulated work with children.