The Rosyth International Container Terminal (Harbour Revision) Order 2013

Power to dredge

This section has no associated Policy Notes

8.—(1) The Company may, in substitution for the power contained in article 7 (power to dredge) of the 2009 Order, deepen, dredge, scour, blast rock, cleanse, alter and improve the bed, shores and channels of the Forth as lie within the port limits and within the approaches and the channels leading to the port limits—

(a)to form a turning area and channel 150 metres wide dredged to 9.5 metres below chart datum within the dredging limits, to allow vessels access to and egress from the works site;

(b)as may be required for the purpose of maintaining the works so described, the berthing pocket to be formed by Work No. 18 or any existing berthing pocket, turning area, channel within or approach or channel leading to the port limits, to enable uninterrupted means of access to the port by vessels and enabling the use of the port at all states of the tide.

(2) The power to dredge described in paragraph (1) includes the power to carry out such additional dredging as may be required to provide side slopes or otherwise secure the dredged areas against siltation, scouring or collapse.

(3) Any materials dredged, taken or collected by the Company in the exercise of the powers of this article (other than wreck within the meaning of Part 9 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995(1)) shall be the property of the Company and may be used, sold, deposited or otherwise disposed of as the Company thinks fit.

(4) No such materials shall be laid down or deposited in any place below the level of high water otherwise than in such position and under such conditions and restrictions as may be approved or prescribed by the Scottish Ministers.