11.—(1) The second interview is to be conducted by the senior manager and a personnel officer.
(2) At the second interview, the senior manager must—
(a)explain why the reporting officer and the countersigning officer are of the opinion that the constable has failed to make a sufficient improvement in performance; and
(b)give the constable an opportunity to make representations in response.
(3) If, after considering any representations made by the constable, the senior manager is satisfied that the constable’s performance has been satisfactory, the senior manager must inform the constable that no further action is to be taken under these Regulations.
(4) If, after considering any representations made by the constable, the senior manager is satisfied that the constable’s performance has been unsatisfactory during the period specified by the interviewing officer in pursuance of regulation 7(3)(d), the senior manager must give the constable a warning, informing the constable—
(a)as to the respect in which the constable’s performance is considered unsatisfactory;
(b)that an improvement in performance is required;
(c)of any specific action required to achieve that improvement; and
(d)that if a sufficient improvement is not made within the period specified by the senior manager, the constable may be required to attend an inefficiency hearing in accordance with regulation 13(1)(c).
(5) The senior manager may, if it is considered appropriate, recommend that the constable seek assistance in relation to any matter affecting the constable’s health or welfare.
(6) Where the constable is given a warning under paragraph (4), the constable must be informed that the chairing constable of an inefficiency hearing will have the power, if appropriate, to require the constable to resign from the Police Service or order a demotion in rank.
(7) The senior manager may adjourn the second interview to a specified later time or date if it appears necessary or expedient to the senior manager to do so.