
Article 18


Calling meetings

1.—(1) The first meeting of the integration joint board is to be convened at a time and place determined by the chairperson.

(2) The chairperson may call a meeting of the integration joint board at such other times as he or she sees fit.

(3) A request for a meeting of the integration joint board to be called may be made in the form of a requisition specifying the business proposed to be transacted at the meeting and signed by at least two thirds of the voting members, presented to the chairperson.

(4) If a request is made under paragraph (3) and the chairperson refuses to call a meeting, or does not call a meeting within 7 days after the making of the request, the members who signed the requisition may call a meeting.

(5) The business which may be transacted at a meeting called under sub-paragraph (4) is limited to the business specified in the requisition.

Notice of meetings

2.—(1) Before each meeting of the integration joint board, or a committee of the integration joint board, a notice of the meeting specifying the time, place and business to be transacted at it signed by the chairperson, or a member authorised by the chairperson to sign on the chairperson’s behalf, is to be sent electronically to every member or sent to the usual place of residence of every member so as to be available to them at least five clear days before the meeting.

(2) A failure to serve notice of a meeting on a member in accordance with sub-paragraph (1) shall not affect the validity of anything done at that meeting.

(3) In the case of a meeting of the integration joint board called by members the notice is to be signed by the members who requisitioned the meeting in accordance with paragraph 1(3).


3.  No business is to be transacted at a meeting of the integration joint board unless at least one half of the voting members is present.

Conduct of meetings

4.—(1) At each meeting of the integration joint board, or a committee of the integration joint board, the chairperson, if attending the meeting, is to preside.

(2) If the chairperson is absent from a meeting of the integration joint board or a committee of the integration joint board, the vice-chairperson is to preside.

(3) If the chairperson and vice-chairperson are both absent from a meeting of the integration joint board or a committee of the integration joint board, a voting member chosen at the meeting by the other voting members attending the meeting is to preside.

(4) If it is necessary or expedient to do so a meeting of the integration joint board, or of a committee, may be adjourned to another date, time or place.

Conflict of interest

5.—(1) A member must disclose any direct or indirect pecuniary or other interest in relation to an item of business to be transacted at a meeting of the integration joint board, or a committee of the integration joint board, before taking part in any discussion on that item.

(2) Where an interest is disclosed under sub-paragraph (1), the other members present at the meeting in question must decide whether the member declaring the interest is to be prohibited from taking part in discussion of or voting on the item of business.


6.—(1) A record must be kept of the names of the members attending every meeting of the integration joint board or of a committee of the integration joint board.

(2) Minutes of the proceedings of each meeting of the integration joint board or a committee, including any decision made at that meeting, are to be drawn up and submitted to the next ensuing meeting of the integration joint board or the committee for agreement after which they must be signed by the person presiding at that meeting.