[F1Methods of analysisS

14A.(1) Scottish Water must ensure that the method used for the analysis of a parameter in a sample of water pursuant to regulation 5—

(a)complies with the specifications for the analysis of the parameter in schedule 3; or

(b)produces results which are at least as reliable as those produced by a method which complies with the specifications for the analysis of the parameter in schedule 3.

(2) A method of analysis in relation to which paragraph (1)(b) applies may be used only if—

(a)Scottish Water has provided all relevant information concerning the method and its equivalence to—

(i)the Drinking Water Quality Regulator for Scotland; and

(ii)the Scottish Ministers; and

(b)the Drinking Water Quality Regulator for Scotland—

(i)is satisfied that it can be demonstrated that the alternative method produces results which are at least as reliable as those produced by a method which complies with the specifications for the analysis of the parameter in schedule 3; and

(ii)has confirmed this by notice to Scottish Water.]