(This note is not part of the Regulations)

Regulation 5 of the National Health Service (Charges to Overseas Visitors) (Scotland) Regulations 1989 (“the 1989 Regulations”) exempts certain categories of overseas visitors from the requirement to pay for treatment the need for which arose during a visit to the United Kingdom. These Regulations amend regulation 5 to include within those categories of visitors who are taking part or involved in the Commonwealth Games 2014. It is anticipated that members of the Games Family will be in Scotland in the period from 7th July to 7th August 2014 inclusive for the Games.

These Regulations also amend Schedule 1 to the 1989 Regulations to include Human Immunodeficiency Virus in the list of diseases for the treatment of which no charge is to be made; and they amend Schedule 2 by adding and removing some countries to the list of countries with which the United Kingdom has a reciprocal agreement.

These Regulations also revoke the National Health Service (Charges to Overseas Visitors) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 which applied similar exemptions in respect of the London 2012 Olympics.