Offshore wind generating stations: demonstration wind turbines and floating wind turbines
13. After article 30B insert—
“Offshore wind generating stations using test and demonstration wind turbines
30C.—(1) This article applies to electricity—
(a)which is generated from wind;
(b)which is generated by a generating station which—
(i)is offshore; and
(ii)uses only eligible wind turbines; and
(c)in respect of which a declaration has been made in accordance with paragraph (3).
(2) The amount of electricity to be stated in each SROC issued in respect of electricity to which this article applies is 2/5 of a megawatt hour.
(3) A declaration is made in accordance with this paragraph if—
(a)it is made by the operator of the generating station to the Authority in writing; and
(b)it confirms that—
(i)to the best of the operator’s knowledge and belief the wind turbines used to generate the electricity are eligible wind turbines; and
(ii)the lease in respect of which the generating station is entitled to operate at that particular area of seabed is a demonstration lease issued by the Crown Estate in relation to that site.
(4) In this article—
(a)“eligible wind turbine” in relation to a generating station means a wind turbine which in the Authority’s view forms part of the generating station from a date no earlier than 1st April 2014; and
(b)“demonstration lease” means a lease granted by the Crown Estate, one of whose purposes is testing, demonstrating and approving the viability of a wind turbine.
Offshore wind generating stations using floating wind turbines
30D.—(1) This article applies to electricity—
(a)which is generated from wind;
(b)which is generated by a generating station which—
(i)is offshore;
(ii)uses only floating wind turbines;
(iii)is granted preliminary accreditation which takes effect on or before 31st March 2017; and
(iv)is commissioned before 1st October 2018; and
(c)in respect of which a declaration has been made in accordance with paragraph (3).
(2) The amount of electricity to be stated in each SROC issued in respect of electricity to which this article applies is 2/7 of a megawatt hour.
(3) A declaration is made in accordance with this paragraph if—
(a)it is made by the operator of the generating station to the Authority in writing; and
(b)it confirms to the best of the operator’s knowledge and belief that the electricity generated was generated by a generating station using only floating wind turbines.
(4) In this article “floating wind turbine” means a wind turbine which is fixed or connected to the seabed by means of a chain, tension leg or other flexible mooring.”.