
PART 6Register of hazardous substances consents

Register of hazardous substances consents

41.—(1) The register which every planning authority is required to keep under section 27 of the principal Act is to be kept in accordance with this regulation.

(2) Part 1 of the register is to contain in respect of each application submitted under regulation 6, 7 or 8 and not finally disposed of—

(a)a copy of the application;

(b)copies of any information, plans and other documents submitted in respect of the application; and

(c)particulars of any direction given under the principal Act in respect of the application.

(3) Part 2 of the register is to contain—

(a)in respect of each application under regulation 6, 7 or 8 determined by the planning authority—

(i)a copy of the decision notice; and

(ii)copies of any information, plans and other documents considered by the planning authority in determining the application;

(b)a copy of any notice of decision issued by the Scottish Ministers on an application—

(i)referred to them in accordance with a direction under section 18 of the principal Act; or

(ii)by a planning authority under regulation 56; and

(c)a copy of any notice of decision issued by the Scottish Ministers on an appeal under section 19 of the principal Act.

(4) Part 3 of the register is to contain a copy of any order revoking or modifying hazardous substances consent made by the planning authority under section 12 of the principal Act (general power by order to revoke or modify hazardous substances consent) and the date and effect of any confirmation by the Scottish Ministers under section 13 of the principal Act (confirmation by the Scottish Ministers of section 12 orders).

(5) Part 4 of the register is to contain a copy of any direction made under section 10 of the principal Act (deemed hazardous substances consent: government authorisation).

(6) Part 5 of the register is to contain a copy of any direction under section 26 of the principal Act (temporary exemption directions) sent to the planning authority by the Scottish Ministers.

(7) Part 6 of the register is to contain a copy of any notice received by the planning authority by virtue of regulation 63(2).

(8) The register must contain in relation to each hazardous substances consent—

(a)information about any subsequent decision made by the planning authority or the Scottish Ministers in relation to that consent (including the content of the decision and the reasons on which it is based); and

(b)a copy of any notice received by the planning authority under paragraph 17(a) of Schedule 2.

(9) The register is to include an index to enable any person to trace an entry in the register.

(10) The register is to be kept at the principal office of the planning authority.

(11) The register is to be available for inspection by the public at all reasonable hours.