The Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015

SECTION 6Contract Performance

Conditions for performance of contracts

70.—(1) A contracting authority may lay down special conditions relating to the performance of a contract, provided that they are—

(a)linked to the subject-matter of the contract within the meaning of regulation 67(6) (contract award criteria); and

(b)indicated in the call for competition or in the procurement documents.

(2) Such conditions may include economic, innovation-related, environmental, social or employment-related considerations.


71.—(1) In the procurement documents, the contracting authority may ask the tenderer to indicate in its tender any share of the contract that the tenderer may intend to subcontract to third parties and information about any proposed subcontractors including their name and contact details.

(2) Paragraph (1) is without prejudice to the liability of the main contractor under the contract.

(3) Where paragraph (4) applies, the contracting authority must require the main contractor to notify it, at the latest when the performance of the contract commences, of the name, contact details and legal representatives of its subcontractors, involved in such works or services, in so far as known at the time.

(4) This paragraph applies in the case of—

(a)a public works contract;

(b)a public services contract including services to be provided at a facility under the direct oversight of the contracting authority.

(5) The contracting authority must require the main contractor to notify the authority of—

(a)any changes to that information during the course of the contract; and

(b)the name, contact details and legal representatives for any new subcontractors which the contractor subsequently involves in such works or services.

(6) Paragraphs (3) and (5) do not apply to subcontractors who provide only supplies.

(7) Where necessary for the purposes of paragraph (9), the required information must be accompanied by ESPDs in respect of the subcontractors.

(8) A contracting authority may require a contractor to provide information of the kind referred to in paragraphs (3) and (5) in respect of any one or more of the following—

(a)supply contracts or services contracts (other than those concerning services to be provided at the facilities under the direct oversight of the contracting authority);

(b)suppliers involved in works or services contracts;

(c)subcontractors of the main contractor’s subcontractors and other contractors further down the subcontracting chain.

(9) A contracting authority may, in accordance with regulations 60 (European Single Procurement Document: use, content and form of the ESPD), 61 (means of proof) and 62 (recourse to e-Certis), verify whether there are grounds for exclusion of subcontractors under regulation 58 (exclusion grounds).

(10) The contracting authority must require the economic operator to replace a subcontractor in respect of which the verification has shown that there are compulsory grounds for exclusion.

(11) The contracting authority may require the economic operator to replace a subcontractor in respect of which the verification has shown that there are non-compulsory grounds for exclusion.

Modification of contracts during their term

72.—(1) A contract and framework agreement may be modified without a new procurement procedure—

(a)where the modifications, irrespective of their monetary value, have been provided for in the initial procurement documents in clear, precise and unequivocal review clauses, which may include price revision clauses or options, provided that such clauses—

(i)state the scope and nature of possible modifications or options as well as the conditions under which they may be used; and

(ii)do not provide for modifications or options that would alter the overall nature of the contract or framework agreement;

(b)to provide for additional works, supplies or services by the original contractor that have become necessary and were not included in the initial procurement, where a change of contractor—

(i)cannot be made for economic or technical reasons such as requirements of interchangeability or interoperability with existing equipment, services or installations procured under the initial procurement; and

(ii)would cause significant inconvenience or substantial duplication of costs for the contracting authority,

provided that any increase in price does not exceed 50% of the initial contract value;

(c)where all of the following conditions are fulfilled—

(i)the need for modification has been brought about by circumstances which a diligent contracting authority could not have foreseen;

(ii)the modification does not alter the overall nature of the contract or framework;

(iii)any increase in price does not exceed 50 % of the initial contract value or framework agreement;

(d)where a new contractor replaces one to which the contracting authority had initially awarded the contract or framework as a consequence of—

(i)an unequivocal review clause or option in conformity with sub-paragraph (a); or

(ii)complete or partial succession into the position of the initial contractor, following corporate restructuring, including takeover, merger, acquisition or insolvency, by another economic operator that fulfils the criteria for qualitative selection initially established, provided that this does not entail other substantial modifications to the contract or framework and is not aimed at circumventing the application of this Part;

(e)where the modifications, irrespective of their value, are not substantial (as defined in paragraph (8)); or

(f)where paragraph (5) applies.

(2) Where several successive modifications are made—

(a)the limitations imposed by the proviso at the end of paragraph (1)(b) and in paragraph (1)(c)(iii) shall apply to the value of each modification; and

(b)such successive modifications must not be aimed at circumventing these Regulations.

(3) A contracting authority which has modified a contract or framework in either of the cases described in paragraph (1)(b) and (c) must send a notice to that effect for publication in accordance with regulation 52 (form and manner of sending notices for publication on EU level).

(4) Such a notice must contain the information set out in Part G of Annex V to the Directive.

(5) This paragraph applies where the value of the modification is below both of the following values—

(a)the relevant threshold mentioned in regulation 5 (thresholds); and

(b)10 % of the initial contract value for service and supply contracts or frameworks and 15% of the initial contract value for works contracts or frameworks,

provided that the modification does not alter the overall nature of the contract or framework agreement.

(6) For the purposes of paragraph (5), where several successive modifications are made, the value must be the net cumulative value of the successive modifications.

(7) For the purpose of the calculation of—

(a)the price mentioned in paragraph (1)(b) and (c); and

(b)the values mentioned in paragraph (5)(b),

the updated figure shall be the reference figure when the contract or framework includes an indexation clause.

(8) A modification of a contract or a framework agreement during its term must be considered substantial for the purpose of paragraph (1)(e) where—

(a)the modification renders the contract or the framework agreement materially different in character from the one initially concluded;

(b)the modification introduces conditions which, had they been part of the initial procurement procedure, would have—

(i)allowed for the admission of candidates other than those initially selected;

(ii)allowed for the acceptance of a tender other than that originally accepted; or

(iii)attracted additional participants in the procurement procedure;

(c)the modification changes the economic balance of the contract or the framework agreement in favour of the contractor in a manner which was not provided for in the initial contract or framework agreement;

(d)the modification extends the scope of the contract or framework agreement considerably; or

(e)a new contractor replaces one to which the contracting authority had initially awarded the contract or framework in cases other than those provided for in paragraph (1)(d).

(9) A new procurement procedure in accordance with these Regulations is required for modifications of the provisions of a public contract or a framework agreement during its term other than those provided for in this regulation.

Termination of contracts

73.—(1) A contracting authority must ensure that every public contract or framework which the authority awards contains provisions enabling the authority to terminate the contract or framework where—

(a)the contract or framework has been subject to a substantial modification which would have required a new procurement procedure in accordance with regulation 72(9) (modification of contracts during their term);

(b)the contractor has, at the time of contract award, been in one of the situations referred to in regulation 58(1) (exclusion grounds), including as a result of the application of regulation 58(2), and should therefore have been excluded from the procurement procedure; or

(c)the contract or framework should not have been awarded to the contractor in view of a serious infringement of the obligations under the Treaties and the Directive that has been declared by the Court of Justice of the European Union in a procedure under Article 258 of the TFEU.

(2) Those provisions may address the basis on which the power is to be exercisable in those circumstances, for example by providing for notice of termination to be given and by addressing consequential matters that will or might arise from the termination.

(3) To the extent that a public contract or framework does not contain provisions enabling the contracting authority to terminate the contract or framework on any of the grounds mentioned in paragraph (1), a power for the contracting authority to do so on giving notice to the contractor shall be an implied term of that contract or framework.