Regulations 59(5)

The registers and other requests referred to in regulation 59(5) are the following and, where changes have been made at national level, the references to particular registers, declarations and certificates shall include those which have replaced them:

  • in Belgium the ‘Registre du Commerce’/ ‘Handelsregister’, and, in the case of service contracts, the ‘Ordres professionels/Beroepsorden’;

  • in Bulgaria, the ‘Търговски регистър’;

  • in the Czech Republic, the ‘obchodní rejstřík’;

  • in Denmark, the ‘Erhvervsstyrelsen’;

  • in Germany, the ‘Handelsregister’, the ‘Handwerksrolle’, and, in the case of service contracts, the ‘Vereinsregister’, the ‘Partnerschaftsregister’ and the ‘Mitgliedsverzeichnisse der Berufskammern der Länder’;

  • in Estonia, the ‘Registrite ja Infosüsteemide Keskus’;

  • in Ireland, the economic operator may be requested to provide a certificate from the Registrar of Companies or the Registrar of Friendly Societies or, where he is not so certified, a certificate stating that the person concerned has declared on oath that he is engaged in the profession in question in the country in which he is established, in a specific place under a given business name;

  • in Greece, the ‘Μητρώο Εργοληφτικών Εφιχειρήσεων — MEΕΠ’ of the Ministry for Environment, Town and Country Planning and Public Works (Υ.ΠΕ.ΧΩ.∆.Ε) in respect of works contracts; the ‘Βιοτεχνικό ή Εµφορικό ή Βιοµηχανικό Εφιµελητήριο’ and the ‘Μητρώο Κατασκευαστών Αµυντικού Υλικού’ in the case of supplies contracts; in the case of service contracts, the service provider may be asked to provide a declaration on the exercise of the profession concerned made on oath before a notary; in the cases provided for by existing national legislation, for the provision of research services, the professional register ‘Μητρώο Μελετητών’ and the ‘Μητρώο Γραφείων Μελετών’;

  • in Spain, the ‘Registro Oficial de Licitadores y Empresas Clasificadas del Estado’ in respect of works and services contracts, and, in the case of supplies contracts, the ‘Registro Mercantil’ or, in the case of non-registered individuals, a certificate stating that the person concerned has declared on oath that he is engaged in the profession in question;

  • in France, the ‘Registre du commerce et des sociétés’ and the ‘Répertoire des métiers’;

  • in Croatia, the ‘Sudski registar’ and the ‘Obrtni registrar’ or, in the case of some activities, a certificate stating that the person concerned is authorised to be engaged in the commercial activity or profession in question;

  • in Italy, the ‘Registro della Camera di commercio, industria, agricoltura e artigianato’; in the case of supplies and services contracts also the ‘Registro delle commissioni provinciali per l’artigianato' or, in addition to the already mentioned registers, the ‘Consiglio nazionale degli ordini professionali’ in respect of services contracts; in respect of works or services contracts, the ‘Albo nazionale dei gestori ambientali’ in addition to the already mentioned registers;

  • in Cyprus, the contractor may be requested to provide a certificate from the ‘Council for the Registration and Audit of Civil Engineering and Building Contractors (Συµβούλιο Εγγραφής και Ελέγχου Εργοληφτών Οικοδοµικών και Τεχνικών Έργων)’ in accordance with the Registration and Audit of Civil Engineering and Building Contractors Law in respect of works contracts; in the case of supplies and services contracts the supplier or service provider may be requested to provide a certificate from the ‘Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver’ (Έφορος Εταιρειών και Εφίσηµος Παραλήφτης) or, where this is not the case, a certificate stating that the person concerned has declared on oath that he is engaged in the profession in question in the country in which he is established, in a specific place and under a given business name;

  • in Latvia, the ‘Uzņēmumu reģistrs’;

  • in Lithuania, the ‘Juridinių asmenų registras’;

  • in Luxembourg, the ‘Registre aux firmes’ and the ‘Rôle de la Chambre des métiers’;

  • in Hungary, the ‘Cégnyilvántartás’, the ‘egyéni vállalkozók jegyzői nyilvántartása’ and, in the case of service contracts, some ‘szakmai kamarák nyilvántartása’ or, in the case of some activities, a certificate stating that the person concerned is authorised to be engaged in the commercial activity or profession in question;

  • in Malta, the economic operator obtains his ‘numru ta’ registrazzjoni tat-Taxxa tal-Valur Miżjud (VAT) u n-numru tal-licenzja ta' kummerc', and, in the case of a partnership or company, the relevant registration number as issued by the Malta Financial Services Authority;

  • in the Netherlands, the ‘Handelsregister’;

  • in Austria, the ‘Firmenbuch’, the ‘Gewerberegister’, the ‘Mitgliederverzeichnisse der Landeskammern’;

  • in Poland, the ‘Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy’;

  • in Portugal, the ‘Instituto da Construção e do Imobiliário’ (INCI) in respect of works contracts; the ‘Registro Nacional das Pessoas Colectivas’ in the case of supplies and services contracts;

  • in Romania, the ‘Registrul Comerțului’;

  • in Slovenia, the ‘sodni register’ and the ‘obrtni register’;

  • in Slovakia, the ‘Obchodný register’;

  • in Finland, the ‘Kaupparekisteri’/ ‘Handelsregistret’;

  • in Sweden, the ‘aktiebolags-, handels- eller föreningsregistren’;

  • in the United Kingdom, the economic operator may be requested to provide a certificate from the Registrar of Companies stating that he is certified as incorporated or registered or, where he is not so certified, a certificate stating that the person concerned has declared on oath that he is engaged in the profession in a specific place under a given business name.