Prohibited methods of fishing3.
Fishing for sea fish by any method, by any British fishing boat, is prohibited in the area comprising that part of the Scottish zone contained within—
that part of ICES statistical rectangle 39E4 which lies to the east of the peninsula of Kintyre and to the north of a straight line between 55°18′18″ north latitude, 05°38′50″ west longitude, and 55°00′30″ north latitude, 05°09′24″ west longitude; and
that part of ICES statistical rectangle 39E4 which lies to the north of a straight line between 55°17′57″ north latitude, 05°47′54″ west longitude and 55°00′00″ north latitude, 05°21′00″ west longitude and to the south of a straight line between 55°18′18″ north latitude, 05°38′50″ west longitude and 55°00′30″ north latitude, 05°09′24″ west longitude5.
Subject to paragraph (4), the prohibition in paragraph (1)(a) does not apply to any fishing boat that fishes with only—
a scallop dredge;
a creel; or
a trawl used for fishing for Norway lobsters.
The prohibition in paragraph (1)(b) does not apply to any fishing boat that fishes with only—
a scallop dredge; or
a creel.
Paragraph (2) is not to be read as allowing any fishing for sea fish in any part of the area described in paragraph (1)(a) which is otherwise prohibited by the South Arran Marine Conservation Order 20156.