The Police Service of Scotland (Senior Officers) (Performance) Regulations 2016

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 General

    1. 1.Citation and commencement

    2. 2.Interpretation

    3. 3.Application

    4. 4.Police representative

    5. 5.Procedure in senior officer’s absence

    6. 6.Standard of proof

    7. 7.Consideration of documents

    8. 8.Improvement periods and validity periods

    9. 9.Extension of improvement periods and validity periods

    10. 10.Suspension of improvement and validity periods

  3. PART 2 Performance Meetings

    1. 11.Circumstances in which a performance meeting may be required

    2. 12.Arrangement of performance meeting

    3. 13.Procedure at performance meeting

    4. 14.Procedure following performance meeting

    5. 15.First improvement notice

    6. 16.Appeal against the finding and outcome of a performance meeting

    7. 17.Arrangement of performance appeal meeting: assistant chief constables

    8. 18.Procedure at performance appeal meeting: assistant chief constables

    9. 19.Arrangement of performance appeal meeting: deputy chief constables and chief constable

    10. 20.Procedure at performance appeal meeting: deputy chief constables and chief constable

    11. 21.Determination of appeal

  4. PART 3 Progress meetings

    1. 22.Circumstances in which a progress meeting may be required

    2. 23.Arrangement of progress meeting

    3. 24.Procedure at progress meeting

    4. 25.Procedure following progress meeting

    5. 26.Final improvement notices

  5. PART 4 Performance hearings

    1. 27.Circumstances in which a performance hearing may be required

    2. 28.Appointment of panel

    3. 29.Arrangement of the performance hearing

    4. 30.Procedure on receipt of notice of performance hearing

    5. 31.Witnesses

    6. 32.Timing of performance hearing

    7. 33.Postponement and adjournment of performance hearing

    8. 34.Procedure at performance hearing

    9. 35.Finding

    10. 36.Disposal

    11. 37.Assessment of performance following performance hearing

    12. 38.Arrangement of further performance hearing

    13. 39.Application of Regulations to further performance hearing

  6. PART 5 Consequential amendments, etc.

    1. The Police Appeals Tribunals (Scotland) Rules 2013

      1. 40.(1) The Police Appeals Tribunals (Scotland) Rules 2013 are amended...

    2. The Police Service of Scotland Regulations 2013

      1. 41.(1) Regulation 11 of the Police Service of Scotland Regulations...

      2. 42.Revocation

  7. Signature

  8. Explanatory Note