Details to be recorded on databases7.
The details to be recorded on a database are—
the full name and address of the keeper of the dog;
the contact telephone number (if any) of the keeper of the dog;
the e-mail address (if any) of the keeper of the dog;
where applicable, the fact that the keeper of the dog is also a breeder;
the name of the local authority which issued the breeder’s licence; and
the breeder’s licence number or code (if any);
the number of the animal dealing licence (if any); and
the name of the local authority which issued the animal dealing licence;
the sex of the dog;
the breed of the dog, or a description if it is a cross-breed;
the colour of the dog;
the most accurate estimate of the dog’s date of birth which the keeper of the dog is capable of giving;
the unique number of the compliant microchip implanted in the dog; and
where applicable, the name or identification number given to the dog.