SCHEDULE 2Certification requirements

PART 2Pre-basic material

Pre-basic material (other than mother plants and rootstocks not belonging to a variety)3

Propagating material, other than mother plants and rootstocks which do not belong to a variety, may be officially certified as pre-basic material if it has been found on official inspection and, where appropriate, through administrative checks, to fulfil the following requirements:—


it is directly propagated from a pre-basic mother plant in accordance with paragraph 13 or 14;


the pre-basic mother plant mentioned in sub-paragraph (a)—


is accepted in accordance with paragraph 5;


has been obtained by multiplication in accordance with paragraph 13; or


has been obtained by micropropagation in accordance with paragraph 14;


it is true to the description of its variety and this is verified in accordance with paragraph 7;


it is maintained in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 8;


it complies with the requirements concerning health in paragraph 10;


where it has been grown in the field under non-insect proof conditions, in accordance with a derogation granted by the European Commission under Article 8(4) of Commission Implementing Directive 2014/98/EU, the soil in which it has been grown complies with paragraph 11; and


it complies with the requirements concerning defects in paragraph 12.