Functions of area medical committee

26.—(1) The functions of an area medical committee which are prescribed for the purposes of section 9(6) of the Act (local consultative committees) are—

(a)the functions which are conferred upon it by these Regulations or by any order made under section 7 of the 2004 Act;

(b)the making of arrangements for the medical examination of a medical practitioner specified in paragraph (2), where the provider or the Health Board is concerned that the medical practitioner is incapable of adequately providing services under the agreement and the provider or the Health Board so requests with the agreement of the medical practitioner concerned;

(c)the consideration of the report of any medical examination arranged in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) and the making of a written report as to the capability of the medical practitioner of adequately providing services under the agreement to the medical practitioner concerned, the provider and the Health Board with whom the provider has the agreement;

(d)the making of all necessary arrangements and performance of all functions reasonably required to set up, support and facilitate any improvement or quality arrangement of a cluster or any other person as required by any directions given by Scottish Ministers under section 2(5) of the Act(1); and

(e)the making of all necessary arrangements and performance of all necessary functions reasonably required to support and facilitate local dispute resolution processes in its area, including any local dispute resolution process relating to remuneration and conditions of service.

(2) The medical practitioner referred to in paragraph (1)(b) is a medical practitioner who is—

(a)a party to the agreement;

(b)a partner in a partnership that is a party to the agreement;

(c)a member of a limited liability partnership that is a party to the agreement; or

(d)a member of a company that is a party to the agreement.


Section 2(5) was amended by paragraph 19 of schedule 9 of the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990.