PART 1Bodies providing Courses in preparation for a Degree
Section 2 (in respect of foundation degrees only)
Academy of Sound and Music
Acorn Learning & Development
Alton College
Belfast Metropolitan College
Bexley College
Bicton College
Bromley College of Further and Higher Education
Cirencester College
City and Islington College
CM Community Music
College of North West London
College of Policing
Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies
The Congregational Federation
CWT Chamber Training
Dearne Valley College
Derby College
Diocese of Bradford
Diocese of Guildford
Diocese of Sheffield
Diocese of Wakefield
Diocese of York
Hackney Community College
Harrow College
Henley College Coventry
HMS Collingwood
Leyton Sixth Form College
Marshall of Cambridge Aerospace Ltd
Mid-Cheshire College
The Mulberry Bush Organisation
Newham Training and Education Centre
North West Kent College of Technology
North West Regional College
Northern Regional College
Norton Radstock College
Rescue 3 Training Company
Richmond Adult Community College
Riverside College Halton
Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm (RNFAA (Military Aviation Academy)
The Skills Solution
Somerset School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT)
South Eastern Regional College
South Thames College
South Worcestershire College
Southern Regional College
Telford College of Arts & Technology
The Football League (Community) Ltd (FLT)
Tyne Metropolitan College
Warrington Collegiate
WEA YMCA Community College Cymru
West Cheshire College
West London College
Whitefield Sports Centre