Offence of moving or transporting an equine animal without a temporary document19.
A keeper who has surrendered the identification document of an equine animal in the circumstances specified in Article 24(1) and who, without reasonable excuse—
moves or transports the equine animal within Scotland without a temporary document, such a document having been issued in respect of that animal,
moves or transports the equine animal within Scotland with a temporary document but for a period exceeding 45 days, or
moves or transports the equine animal to another Member State, or through a Member State to a third country, without either a temporary document or the accompanying health certificate required by Article 24(3), or both,
commits an offence.
Except as otherwise directed by the Scottish Ministers, temporary documents granted in England, Wales or Northern Ireland in accordance with Article 24(1) have effect in Scotland as if they were temporary documents granted by an issuing body in Scotland.