The Plant Health (Official Controls and Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Regulations 2019

Action which may be taken by a plant health inspector

This section has no associated Policy Notes

16.—(1) A plant health inspector may, on giving reasonable notice, enter any premises and any adjacent premises for the purpose of taking steps to—

(a)eradicate, destroy or otherwise deal with any controlled plant pest,

(b)prevent the spread of any controlled plant pest,

(c)destroy, treat or otherwise deal with any infected material.

(2) A plant health inspector must, if requested to do so, produce evidence of the inspector’s authority before entering any premises for the purposes specified in paragraph (1).

(3) Paragraph (1) does not apply to any premises which are used wholly or mainly as a private dwelling unless 24 hours’ notice has been given to the occupier.

(4) A plant health inspector may be accompanied by such other persons (including representatives of the European Commission) and may bring onto the premises such equipment and vehicles as the inspector considers necessary.

(5) A person accompanying a plant health inspector under paragraph (4) may—

(a)remain on the premises and from time to time re-enter the premises without a plant health inspector,

(b)bring onto the premises any equipment or vehicles that the person considers necessary,

(c)carry out work on the premises in a manner directed by a plant health inspector.

(6) In paragraph (1)(c), “infected material” means—

(a)a plant, plant product or other object which is carrying, or is infested by or infected with, a controlled plant pest or may be carrying or infected with a controlled plant pest,

(b)a plant, plant product or other object which is not carrying or is not infested by or infected with, a controlled plant pest but the presence or existence of which may, in the opinion of a plant health inspector, cause a controlled plant pest to spread or be spread.