1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 Preliminary

    1. 1.Citation and commencement

    2. 2.Interpretation

  3. PART 2 Constitution of Trustees

    1. 3.Incorporation of sections of the Commissioners Clauses Act 1847 and of the Harbours, Docks, and Piers Clauses Act 1847

    2. 4.Constitution of the Trustees

    3. 5.Appointment and terms of office of the first Trustees

    4. 6.Terms of office of subsequent Trustees

    5. 7.Declaration to be made by Trustees

    6. 8.Casual Vacancies

    7. 9.Disqualification of Trustees

    8. 10.Indemnity insurance for Trustees

    9. 11.Incidental provisions relating to Trustees

  4. PART 3 Duties and Powers of Trustees

    1. 12.Limits of Harbour

    2. 13.General Powers of Trustees

    3. 14.Power to appropriate parts of harbour, etc.

    4. 15.Power to lease, etc.

    5. 16.Powers with respect to land, buildings, harbour facilities etc.

    6. 17.Power to dredge

    7. 18.Power to enter into arrangements to provide supplies

    8. 19.Parking places

    9. 20.Moorings

    10. 21.Power to regulate pleasure craft

  5. PART 4 Harbour Regulation

    1. 22.Byelaws

    2. 23.Confirmation of byelaws

    3. 24.General directions to vessels

    4. 25.Publication of general directions

    5. 26.Special directions to vessels

    6. 27.Master’s responsibility to be unaffected

    7. 28.Failure to comply with directions

    8. 29.Enforcement of special directions

    9. 30.Boarding of vessels

    10. 31.Vessels adrift

  6. PART 5 Financial Provisions

    1. 32.Charges other than ship, passenger and goods dues

    2. 33.Liability for charges

    3. 34.Power to grant exemptions, rebates, etc., in respect of charges

    4. 35.Borrowing powers

  7. PART 6 Miscellaneous

    1. 36.Saving for Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses

    2. 37.Crown rights

    3. 38.Repeals and revocations

  8. Signature


    1. SCHEDULE 1


    2. SCHEDULE 2


      1. Appointment of Chair of Trustees

        1. 1.There shall be a chair of the Trustees who shall...

        2. 2.The first chair appointed under article 5(2) shall, subject to...

        3. 3.Subject to paragraph 7, every chair subsequently appointed under paragraph...

        4. 4.There shall be a vice-chair of the Trustees who shall...

        5. 5.The first vice-chair appointed under article 5(3) shall, subject to...

        6. 6.Subject to paragraph 7, every vice-chair subsequently appointed under paragraph...

        7. 7.If the Trustees are satisfied that the chair or vice-chair...

        8. 8.(1) On a casual vacancy occurring in the office of...

      2. Meetings of Trustees

        1. 9.(1) The first meeting of the Trustees after the new...

      3. Vacation of office by Trustees

        1. 10.A Trustee (other than the Chief Executive) may resign office...

      4. Reappointment of Trustees

        1. 11.(1) Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, a vacating...

      5. Reappointment of chair

        1. 12.(1) A chair of the Trustees shall not be eligible...

      6. Committees and Co-optees

        1. 13.(1) Subject to subparagraph (3), The Trustees may, consistently with...

      7. Proceedings of Trustees and Committees

        1. 14.The acts and proceedings of the Trustees, or of any...

        2. 15.The quorum required for a meeting of the Trustees shall...

        3. 16.(1) If a Trustee has any interest, direct or indirect—...

        4. 17.The person for the time being holding office as vice-chair...

        5. 18.If at any meeting of the Trustees neither the chair...

        6. 19.(1) Every question at a meeting of the Trustees or...

      8. Execution of documents

        1. 20.(1) Deeds and other documents to which the Trustees are...

      9. Remuneration of Trustees

        1. 21.The Trustees may pay to the chair and other Trustees...

      10. General

        1. 22.(1) Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, the procedure...

    3. SCHEDULE 3


  10. Explanatory Note