SCHEDULE 2Conditions

PART 2Construction


No works of construction may commence until a construction management plan for the development has been submitted to and approved by the Scottish Ministers. The plan must comprise details of policies and procedures to be complied with in connection with the construction of the development in relation to—


engagement with relevant owners and occupiers, including complaints handling,


application of best practicable means to minimise noise, vibration and emissions to air,


application of best practicable means to minimise the adverse effect of lighting on the amenity of relevant owners and occupiers, ecological receptors and road users,


sourcing, placing, managing and storing of construction materials, including, where appropriate, the stripping, storage and re-spreading of soil,


management of waste in accordance with the waste hierarchy,


pollution prevention and control,


preventing damage to trees to be retained on the site, or trees immediately adjacent to any works on the site,


management of construction traffic, including measures to prevent the deposit of mud and construction materials on the highway,


the management of invasive species, and


where appropriate, the appointment and retention of a suitably qualified archaeologist, arboriculturist, ecologist or ordnance specialist to oversee works,

and references to “the CMP” in the following paragraphs of this Part are to that plan as approved by the Scottish Ministers from time to time.