PART 2Consultation, reporting and publication requirements

Notice of making a schemeI15

Within 14 days of making a scheme under section 72 of the Act a local authority must—




at least once in a local newspaper circulating in the area to which the scheme relates, and


on the local authority’s website,

notice of the making of the scheme containing the information specified in Part 2 of schedule 1,


make available for inspection at their offices during normal office hours, and (if the local authority think fit) at such other places within its area and during such times at those places as it may determine—


a copy of the scheme as made together with a statement of the date on which it comes into effect,


in the case of a scheme made after the holding of an examination under section 75 of the Act, a copy of the report following that examination,


publish the scheme and, where applicable, the report following the holding of an examination under section 75 of the Act on the local authority’s website,


take such other steps as it considers appropriate for ensuring that adequate publicity about the making of the scheme is given to persons likely to be affected by it.