16. In schedule 7(1)—
(a)for paragraph 1(c), substitute—
“(c)semen collected is moved for processing to—
(i)a licensed collection centre;
(ii)a domestic collection centre;
(iii)unlicensed processing premises in Scotland; or
(iv)any premises in another part of the United Kingdom where semen collected at unlicensed premises in Scotland may be lawfully processed under legislation equivalent to these Regulations;
(d)when semen is moved for processing under sub-paragraph (c), it is accompanied by documents certifying that—
(i)the bovine animal satisfies the requirements of regulations 19(c), 19(d) and 19(e) on the day of collection;
(ii)the bovine animal satisfies the requirements of Parts 1 or 2 of Schedule 8;
(iii)the unlicensed premises satisfy the requirements in regulation 20(2); and
(iv)the premises from which the bovine animal came satisfy the requirements in regulation 22(6).”,
(b)in paragraph 2(2), for “the centre veterinarian of the centre” to the end of the sub-paragraph substitute—
(a)the centre veterinarian of the centre if the bovine animal’s semen is moved for processing to a licensed collection centre or a domestic collection centre; or
(b)the veterinarian responsible for supervision of processing if the bovine animal’s semen is moved for processing to any other premises;
not later than the date of such move.”.
Schedule 7 was amended by S.S.I. 2019/71.