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Your search for English language Scottish Statutory Instruments from 2023 has returned more than 200 results.

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    The North East Scotland Trunk Roads (Temporary Prohibitions of Traffic and Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No. 8) Order 20232023 No. 230Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The A95 Trunk Road (Granish to Grantown-On-Spey) (Temporary Prohibition on Use of Road and Specified Turns) Order 20232023 No. 229Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The M9/A9 Trunk Road (Granish) (Temporary Prohibition on Use of Road and Specified Turns) Order 20232023 No. 228Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The A85 Trunk Road (Crieff) (Temporary Prohibition on Use of Road) Order 20232023 No. 227Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The A83 Trunk Road (Campbeltown) (Temporary Prohibition on Use of Road) Order 20232023 No. 226Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The A83 Trunk Road (Ardrishaig) (Temporary Prohibition on Use of Road) Order 20232023 No. 225Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The M8 Trunk Road (Arkleston to West Street) (Temporary Prohibition on Use of Road and Temporary 40mph Speed Restriction) (No. 2) Order 20232023 No. 224Scottish Statutory Instruments
    Act of Sederunt (Summary Applications, Statutory Applications and Appeals etc. Rules 1999 and Taxation of Judicial Expenses Rules 2019 Amendment) (Telecommunications Infrastructure) 20232023 No. 223Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The M876/A876 (Clackmannanshire Bridge) A977 (Longannet Roundabout to Gartarry Roundabout) and A985 (Rosyth to Kincardine Bridge) Trunk Roads (Temporary Prohibition on Use of Road) Order 20232023 No. 222Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The M90/A90/A9000 Trunk Road (Kirkliston to Ferrytoll) (Temporary Prohibition on Use of Road) Order 20232023 No. 221Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The A84 Trunk Road (Blair Drummond) (Temporary Prohibition on Use of Road and Temporary 30mph Speed Restriction) Order 20232023 No. 220Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The M8 Trunk Road (Junction 18, Westbound) (Temporary Prohibition on Use of Road) Order 20232023 No. 219Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The M8 (Newhouse to Easterhouse) M73 (Maryville to Mollinsburn) M74 (Daldowie to Hamilton) A725 (Shawhead to Whistleberry) Trunk Roads (Temporary Prohibitions of Traffic and Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No. 3) Order 20232023 No. 218Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The A85 (Perth to Methven) M9/A9 (Pitlochry) Trunk Roads (Temporary Prohibition on Use of Road) Order 20232023 No. 217Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The A86 Trunk Road (Spean Bridge to Kingussie) (Temporary 30mph Speed Restriction) Order 20232023 No. 216Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The A82 Trunk Road (Fort William to Spean Bridge) (Temporary 30mph Speed Restriction) Order 20232023 No. 215Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The South West Scotland Trunk Roads (Temporary Prohibitions of Traffic and Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No. 5) Order 20232023 No. 214Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The South East Scotland Trunk Roads (Temporary Prohibitions of Traffic and Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No. 7) Order 20232023 No. 213Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The North East Scotland Trunk Roads (Temporary Prohibitions of Traffic and Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No. 7) Order 20232023 No. 212Scottish Statutory Instruments
    The North West Scotland Trunk Roads (Temporary Prohibitions of Traffic and Overtaking and Temporary Speed Restrictions) (No. 7) Order 20232023 No. 211Scottish Statutory Instruments

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