Accounts Commission for Scotland
Architecture and Design Scotland
Bòrd na Gàidhlig
Cairngorms National Park Authority
Care Inspectorate
Children’s Hearings Scotland
Community Justice Scotland
Creative Scotland
Crofting Commission
David MacBrayne Limited
Ferguson Marine (Port Glasgow) Holdings Limited
Highlands and Islands Airports Limited
Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Historic Environment Scotland
Independent Living Fund Scotland
Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park Authority
National Galleries of Scotland
National Library of Scotland
National Museums of Scotland
Quality Meat Scotland
Risk Management Authority
Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh
Scottish Agricultural Wages Board
Scottish Canals
Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration
Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission
Scottish Enterprise
Scottish Environment Protection Agency
Scottish Funding Council
Scottish Futures Trust Limited
Scottish Land Commission
Scottish Legal Aid Board
Scottish Legal Complaints Commission
Scottish National Heritage (NatureScot)
Scottish National Investment Bank p.l.c.
Scottish Qualifications Authority
Scottish Rail Holdings Limited
Scottish Social Services Council
Scottish Sports Council (sportscotland)
South of Scotland Enterprise Agency
The Skills Development Scotland Co. Limited
Water Industry Commission for Scotland
Zero Waste Scotland