Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 1963

[F164 The Rule Committee.E

(1)There shall be a Rule Committee which shall consist of the following persons, namely:—

  • The Lord Chancellor, who shall be the Chairman of the Committee;

  • The Archbishop of Canterbury or a member of the Upper House of the Convocation of his Province appointed by him;

  • The Archbishop of York or a member of the Upper House of the Convocation of his Province appointed by him;

  • Two persons appointed by the Lord Chancellor of whom at least one shall hold, or have held, high judicial office;

  • The Dean of the Arches and Auditor;

  • The Prolocutor of the Lower House of the Convocation of Canterbury or a member of that House appointed by him;

  • The Prolocutor of the Lower House of the Convocation of York or a member of that House appointed by him;

  • The provincial registrars of the provinces of Canterbury and York;

  • One chancellor and one diocesan registrar from each province to be appointed by the archbishop of that province.

(2)Any five members of the Rule Committee, one of whom shall be the Lord Chancellor or one of the persons appointed by him, may exercise all the powers of the Rule Committee.

(3)In the absence of the Lord Chancellor from any meeting of the Rule Committee, the chair shall be taken by a person who holds or has held high judicial office appointed a member of the Committee by the Lord Chancellor.]