F1SCHEDULE 3 Church Representation Rules

PART 9Parish governance: Model Rules

Section A: Annual parochial church meeting

Proceedings and elections




The chair of the annual meeting is—


the minister, or


if the minister is absent or decides to vacate the chair or if there is nobody who is the minister within the meaning of these Rules (see Rule 83(1)), the vice-chair of the PCC, or


if the vice-chair of the PCC is absent or decides not to take the chair—


a person chosen by the annual meeting, or


if the parish belongs to a benefice for which there is a team ministry and paragraph (2) applies, the rector in the team ministry.


This paragraph applies if—


a vicar in the team ministry has the function of chairing the annual meeting (or a share in discharging that function) by virtue of a pastoral scheme or bishop's licence, and


the vicar is absent but the rector in the team ministry is present.


If there is an equality of votes, the chair of the meeting has a second, casting vote, except in the case of an election taking place at the annual meeting (as to which, see Rule M9(8)).