C1SCHEDULE 3 Church Representation Rules


Part II Parochial Church Meetings and Councils Annual Meetings



In every parish there shall be held not later than the 30th April in each year the annual parochial church meeting (hereafter in these rules referred to as “the annual meeting”).


All lay persons whose names are entered on the roll of the parish shall be entitled to attend the annual meeting and to take part in its proceedings, and no other lay person shall be so entitled.


A clerk in Holy Orders shall be entitled to attend the annual meeting of a parish and take part in its proceedings—


if he is either beneficed in or licensed to the parish or any other parish in the area of the benefice to which the parish belongs; or


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F2


if he is resident in the parish and is not beneficed in or licensed to any other parish.


if he is not resident in the parish and is not beneficed or licensed to any other parish, the parochial church council with the concurrence of the minister has declared him to be a habitual worshipper in the parish, such declaration being effective until the conclusion of the annual meeting in the year in which a new roll is prepared under rule 2 or his ceasing to be a habitual worshipper in the parish whichever is the earlier, but without prejudice to a renewal of such declaration; or


if he is a co-opted member of the parochial church council in accordance with rule F5. . . F614(1)(h).


Without prejudice to paragraphs (2) and (3) of this rule—


all the members of the team of a team ministry shall be entitled to attend, and take part in the proceedings of, the annual meeting of the parish or each of the parishes in the area of the benefice for which the team ministry is established, and where the area of a group ministry includes the area of a benefice for which a team ministry is established, all the vicars in that ministry shall be entitled to attend, and take part in the proceedings of, the annual meeting of each of the other parishes in the area for which the group ministry is established;


all the incumbents and priests in charge in a group ministry shall be entitled to attend, and take part in the proceedings of, the annual meeting of each of the parishes in the area for which the group ministry is established.


Where two or more benefices are held in plurality and a team ministry is, or is to be, established for the area of one of those benefices, then, if a pastoral scheme provides for extending the operation of the team ministry, so long as the plurality continues, to the area of any other benefice so held, paragraph (4) of this rule shall have effect as if the references to the area of the benefice were references to the combined area of the benefices concerned.