Provisions with respect to glebe land

16 Diocesan Board of Finance may require incumbent, etc. to furnish information as to glebe land.


The Diocesan Board of Finance for any diocese may from time to time require the incumbent, or the sequestrators, of any benefice belonging to that diocese—


to furnish the Board with such information relating to any land which forms, or has at any time formed, part of the glebe land of the benefice as the Board requires to enable it to discharge its functions under this Measure;


to produce to the Board such documents in his or their possession, or under his or their control, concerning that land as the Board may specify or describe;

and any person to whom a requirement under this subsection is directed shall comply with the requirement.


A Diocesan Board of Finance shall, as respects any land which forms part of the glebe land of a benefice belonging to the diocese and which is subject to a lease, have the same right to require the lessee of that land to furnish the Board with any information it needs relating to that lease as the Board would have if it were the person to whom the rent payable under the lease is for the time being payable.