Pastoral Measure 1983 (repealed)Part I Procedure for making Pastoral Schemes and Orders Pastoral committees1 Constitution and procedure of pastoral committees.2 Duties of pastoral committees.2AConventional districts3 Formulation and submission to bishop of draft proposals.4 Approval by bishop of draft proposals.5 Amendment of proposals and preparation of draft scheme or order by Commissioners.6 Notice and publication of draft schemes or orders.7 Amendment of draft schemes or orders.8 Making of schemes or orders.9 Appeals to the Privy Council10 Transmission of copies of Order in Council or order.11 Validity and operation of schemes and orders. Modified procedure for schemes and orders affecting more than one diocese12 Limited extension of diocesan proposals and schemes to other dioceses.13 Joint pastoral committees. Supplementary14 Power of bishop to formulate and submit proposals on certain matters.15 Withdrawal of scheme or order at request of bishop.16 Supplementary powers of Commissioners and pastoral committees.Part II Contents and Effect of Pastoral Schemes and Orders Changes in benefices, parishes, extra-parochial places, archdeaconries and deaneries17 Creation, alteration or dissolution of benefices, parishes and extra-parochial places.18 Holding of benefices in plurality.19 Archdeaconries and deaneries. Team and group ministries20 Establishment of team ministries.20A Team ministries established under 1968 Measure.21 Establishment of group ministries.22 Termination and alteration of team ministries and group ministries. Other provisions as to clergy and ministry23 Status and duties of new benefices.24 Designation, selection and admission of certain incumbents.25 Operation of schemes dispossessing clergy or dissolving archdeaconries or deaneries.26 Compensation of clergy. Churches, churchyards and parsonage houses27 Provisions as to parish churches.28 Redundant churches.29 Places of worship.30 Use of certain churchyards and burial grounds.31 Parsonage houses.32 Patronage Endowments, stipends and other remuneration33 Provisions as to endowments, income, etc. Provisions as to sinecures34 Sinecure rectories and chapelries. Pastoral schemes affecting more than one diocese35 Limited extension of pastoral schemes to other dioceses.36 Schemes for the alteration of diocesan boundaries. Pastoral orders37 Powers exercisable by pastoral order. Supplementary38 Supplementary provisions of pastoral schemes and orders.39 Amendment and revocation of pastoral schemes and orders.40 Application of Schedule 3 containing supplementary provisions and powers.Part III Redundant Churches Appointment of statutory bodies for purposes relating to redundant churches41 Appointment of Advisory Board for Redundant Churches.42 Functions of mission and pastoral committee concerning buildings closed for regular public worship43 Commissioners to appoint Committee with duties in respect of redundant churches.44 Appointment of Redundant Churches Fund.45Power to establish new body to replace the Advisory Board and the Redundant Churches Fund Redundancy provisions in pastoral church buildings schemes46 Provision by pastoral church buildings scheme for appropriation or demolition of redundant church to be replaced by new church.47 Other provision by pastoral church buildings scheme for redundant church.48 No other cases to be dealt with by pastoral church buildings scheme. Redundancy schemes49 Use seeking period50 Procedure for making redundancy schemes.51 Contents of redundancy schemes.52 Application of remainder of proceeds of sales and other disposals53 Orders of Commissioners determining or varying payments to Redundant Churches Fund.54 Redundancy schemes in respect of churches closed or demolished otherwise than under this Measure.55 Schemes under Charities Act 1960 for redundant chapels belonging to charities.56 Churches not to be closed or disposed of otherwise than under this Measure. Amendment and revocation of redundancy schemes and redundancy provisions in pastoral church buildings schemes57 Amendment of redundancy schemes and provisions.58 Restoration of redundant building to use as a church building. Vesting of property and other supplementary provisions59 Vesting of property.60 Rights of way and other easements.60AAcquisition of rights of way and other easements61 Removal of legal effects of consecration of buildings and land.62 Power to impose and enforce covenants.63 Trusts for the repair etc. of redundant buildings and contents.64 Disposal of font, communion table and plate, and other contents.65 Disposal of human remains. Preservation of redundant churches by Secretary of State66 Transfer of redundant churches to Secretary of State.Part IV Miscellaneous, Administrative and General Restrictions on presentation67 Suspension of presentation for period not exceeding five years.68During suspension period sequestration of profits, appointment of priest in charge and management of property69 Restrictions on presentation pending the making of pastoral schemes and orders.70 Modification of Patronage (Benefices) Measure 1986 where presentation is suspended or restricted71. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Suspension of new rights of patronage. Miscellaneous provisions74 Priest in charge to replace incumbent as trustee of certain charities during vacancy in benefice, etc.75 Induction in one parish church.76 Grant of land for new churches etc and vesting of certain churches. Administrative provisions77 Diocesan pastoral accounts.78 Payment of expenses from diocesan pastoral accounts, and application of other moneys therein.78A Temporary maintenance account.79 Power of Commissioners to determine boundaries.80 Power of Commissioners to determine questions relating to patronage.80APower of Commissioners to seek information and give advice81 Application to benefices in the patronage of the Crown or Duke of Cornwall.82 Patrons who are minors.83 Provisions as to notices and other documents.84 Provisions where there is no parochial church council, incumbent, etc. General provisions85 Pluralities not to be authorised except under Measure.86 Meaning of “benefice” and “parish”.87 General interpretation.88 Saving for planning legislation.89 Provisions as to guild churches.90 Churches, etc. affected by private and local Acts.91 Preservation of amendment of section 5(3) of the Parsonages Measure 1938.92 Transitional provisions.93 Repeals.94 Short title, extent and commencement. SCHEDULESSCHEDULE 1 Constitution and procedure of the pastoral committee of a diocese1The Bishop shall be a member of the pastoral committee...2If the bishop does not desire to be the chairman...3Every suffragan bishop in the diocese (not being a suffragan...4The diocesan board of finance, the diocesan parsonages board (if...5The remaining members of the committee shall be appointed or...6Members (other than ex officio members) of the committee shall...7Not less than one-third of the members of the committee...8The committee may act notwithstanding any vacancy in their membership....9Every question submitted to a meeting of the committee shall...10The committee shall have power to appoint sub-committees and to...11Where in accordance with section 3(5) or (6) any person...12Subject to the foregoing provisions of this Schedule and to...SCHEDULE 2 Appeals to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council1Any person who intends to apply for leave to appeal...2Where five or more persons acting jointly duly made written...3If the Registrar of the Privy Council is satisfied that...4Within the period of 28 days beginning with the date...5The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council shall consider an...6After receiving notice that leave to appeal has been granted...7The Commissioners shall without delay after receiving the said copy...8Except with the leave of the Judicial Committee of the...9An appeal shall be set down as soon as the...10A map showing clearly the boundaries of any ecclesiastical area...11Where an appellant, having been granted leave to appeal under...12All bills of costs under any order of the Judicial...13The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council may give such...SCHEDULE 3 Supplementary Provisions Applicable to Matters Arising out of Pastoral Schemes and Orders Team and group ministries1(1) A pastoral scheme establishing a team ministry shall provide...2(1) A pastoral scheme establishing a team ministry which provides...3Where a group ministry is established by a pastoral scheme...4(1) Where a pastoral scheme establishes a team ministry, the... Admission and induction to benefices5(1) Any person who is designated by or selected under... Patronage rights6. . . . . . . . . .... General provisions as to vesting of property7(1) Where a pastoral scheme creates a new benefice by... Loans8(1) This paragraph applies to loans made under any Act... Property transferred to diocesan board of finance9(1) Where any property is transferred under section 31 by... Crediting of sums to and adjustment of funds and accounts by Commissioners10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Church and parochial trusts11(1) Where any benefice is dissolved by a pastoral scheme,... Parochial church meetings and councils12(1) A pastoral scheme which creates a new parish may...13(1) Where a pastoral scheme provides for two or more... Marriages and banns of matrimony14(1) Section 10(1) of the Marriage Act 1949 (which provides... Burial rights in new or altered parishes15(1) On a union of parishes by virtue of a... Provisions relating only to pastoral schemes affecting diocesan boundaries16(1) Where a benefice or parish or extra-parochial place is...SCHEDULE 4 Compensation of Clergy1The incumbent of a benefice dissolved by a pastoral scheme...2Where the incumbent of a benefice for which a team...3Where the incumbent of a benefice, being a benefice for...4If the incumbent of any benefice or the archdeacon of...5Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, the...6The right to and the amount of compensation payable under...7(1) The compensation shall consist of periodical payments or a...8In determining whether any claimant has suffered loss giving a...9If any person who is receiving compensation under this Schedule...10Any person who has been refused compensation under this Schedule...11If any person who is claiming or receiving or has...12It shall be the duty of every claimant and every...13(1) Subject as hereinafter provided, where any benefice, archdeaconry or...14(1) The functions of the pastoral committee under this Schedule...15(1) For the purposes of this Schedule there shall be...16(1) The Rule Committee established by section 25 of the...17. . . . . . . . . ....18Payments of compensation under this Schedule shall be made by...SCHEDULE 5 Statutory Bodies Appointed for Purposes of Part III of Measure Advisory Board for Redundant Churches1Neither the chairman nor any other member of the Advisory...2The members of the Advisory Board for Redundant Churches shall...3The Board may act notwithstanding a vacancy among its members....4The quorum of the Board shall be three or such... Diocesan redundant churches uses committees5The diocesan redundant churches uses committee of a diocese shall...6The chairman and other members of the committee shall hold...7The bishop may appoint, or the committee may co-opt, other...8The bishop may appoint a member of the committee who...9Any of the bodies by whom a member of the...10The secretary of the committee shall be appointed by the...11The committee may act notwithstanding any vacancy among its members....12The quorum of the committee shall be three or such... Redundant Churches Fund13The members of the Redundant Churches Fund shall hold office...14The Fund may act notwithstanding any vacancy among its members....15The quorum of the Fund shall be three or such...SCHEDULE 6 Disposal of Human Remains1The body or person in whom the building, part of...2Any notice required to be published and served as aforesaid...3(1) The personal representatives or relatives of any deceased person...4Any human remains interred in the building or land which...5Any tombstone, monument or other memorial commemorating any deceased person...6Any tombstone, monument or other memorial not disposed of in...7The removal of all human remains shall be effected, and...8Upon any removal of remains a certificate of removal and...9Any tombstone, monument or other memorial not disposed of in...10Where any tombstone, monument or other memorial is removed from...11The requirements of this Schedule shall be in addition to...12In this Schedule “commonwealth war burial” means a burial of...SCHEDULE 7 Sequestration of Benefice Property during Suspension Period1During any suspension period the sequestrators in addition to exercising...2(1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any Act...3Moneys received by the diocesan board of finance from the...4Where a suspension period immediately follows a period during which...5The sequestrators shall annually at such date as the bishop...6Where, on the termination of a suspension period in respect...SCHEDULE 8 Transitional Provisions1(a) Any pastoral scheme, pastoral order or redundancy scheme which...2If before the commencement of this Measure any notice has...3Where immediately before the commencement of this Measure any person...4Section 15 of the Reorganisation Areas Measure 1944 shall continue...5Where any such scheme or order as is mentioned in...6Where a building has been declared redundant before the commencement...7In any case where, before the commencement of this Measure—...8The requirements of paragraph 5 of Schedule 1, that not...9(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2) the powers conferred by section...10If any difficulty or question arises as to the effect...11For the purposes of this Schedule, (a) a pastoral scheme...12Any right of patronage created under any of the provisions...13In this Schedule references to the Pastoral Measure 1968 are...14Nothing in this Schedule shall be taken as prejudicing the...SCHEDULE 9 Repeals. . . . . . . . . ....Pastoral Measure 1983 (repealed)1983 No. 1F1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .