Pastoral Measure 1983 (repealed)

12EIt shall be the duty of every claimant and every applicant under paragraph 10 and every person who is receiving compensation under this Schedule by way of periodical payments, to disclose to the pastoral committee any ecclesiastical office to which he has been appointed or which has been offered to him, and any other remunerated employment in which he is or is to be engaged, and any such matter as is mentioned in the foregoing paragraph, and if he fails to do so and it appears to the pastoral committee that in consequence they have made payments which otherwise they would not have made or payments in excess of those that they would otherwise have made, they may, without prejudice to their powers under paragraphs 9 and 11, direct the repayment of the amount of the payments or excess or such part thereof as they think just, and that amount shall be recoverable as a debt due to the diocesan board of finance:

Provided that an appeal shall lie to the Appeal Tribunal against any such direction.