Part III Redundant Churches

Appointment of statutory bodies for purposes relating to redundant churches

42 Appointment of diocesan redundant churches uses committees.


Subject as hereinafter provided there shall be constituted a committee for every diocese, to be called the diocesan redundant churches uses committee of the diocese concerned.


Paragraphs 5 to 12 of Schedule 5 shall apply to the constitution and procedure of the said committee.


The only duty of the said committee shall be to make every endeavour to find suitable alternative uses for redundant buildings in their diocese.


A diocesan redundant churches uses committee shall, when it has found a suitable use or suitable uses for a redundant building or has reached the conclusion that no such use will be found, make a report to the Commissioners; and the Commissioners may at any time require any such committee to make a report to them in respect of a particular redundant building.


Every diocesan redundant churches uses committee shall make to the Commissioners not later than the 31st March in each year a report of their proceedings in the preceding calendar year.


The Commissioners may, in the case of a particular redundant building, require the diocesan redundant churches uses committee to refer the case to them, and thereupon the duty of making every endeavour to find a suitable use or suitable uses for that building shall be discharged by the Commissioners instead of the said committee, but the Commissioners shall consult with the said committee in discharging that duty.


If it appears to the bishop at the commencement of this Measure or at any time subsequently that there are not likely to be any redundant buildings in his diocese in the near future, he may postpone the constitution of the diocesan redundant churches uses committee for his diocese or, as the case may be, may suspend the proceedings of the committee, until such time as it appears to him that the committee is needed, and, in the case of a suspension, the bishop may then direct that a new committee be constituted, whether or not the period of office of the members of the old committee has expired during the suspension.