Churchwardens Measure 2001

10 Special provisionsE

(1)In the carrying out of the provisions of this Measure the bishop shall have power—

(a)to make provision for any matter not herein provided for;

(b)to appoint a person to do any act in respect of which there has been any neglect or default on the part of any person or body charged with any duty under this Measure;

(c)so far as may be necessary for the purpose of giving effect to the intentions of this Measure, to extend or alter the time for holding any meeting or election or to modify the procedure laid down by this Measure in connection therewith;

(d)in any case in which there has been no valid choice to direct a fresh choice to be made, and to give such directions in connection therewith as he may think necessary; and

(e)in any case in which any difficulty arises, to give any directions which he may consider expedient for the purpose of removing the difficulty.

(2)The powers of the bishop under this section shall not enable him to validate anything that was invalid at the time it was done.